Ocean conservation podcasts you don’t want to miss

If you're looking for some new listening material, why not check out one (or more!) of these ocean conservation-themed podcasts we've compiled below? Happy listening!

Marine Conservation Hour

This podcast takes an informal look at ocean conservation and science, and puts it into a casual and digestible format. Co-hosted by Andrew Lewin and other marine scientists who are passionate about many different aspects of marine life and conservation, previous topics have included how shows like Game of Thrones are similar to Marine Conservation, the sex lives of sea creatures, hot marine science & conservation topics of the week and the challenges of attaining a marine biology or conservation career.


The NOAA Ocean Podcast

This show, run by the American National Ocean Service, "connect[s] with ocean experts to explore questions about the ocean environment," and has previously discussed the terrible effects microplastics have had on mussels, coral research, and marine ecosystems, among many other topics.


Sea Tales Podcast

Sea Tales is a UK-based monthly podcast that explores the marine environment around the UK, and features interviews with a variety of different people who are passionate about the sea. Some topics that have already been covered are dolphins, sea horses, and sharks, as well as beach cleaning and seaweed.


Ocean Pancake Podcast

This show "[d]ive[s] into conservation, sustainability and the conversation with fellow eco-warriors," and has even featured our own Founder, Ryan Hollinrake! Taking more a conservation lens, the Ocean Pancake Podcast is hosted by Katt Andryskova and has previous covered humpback whales, restoring coral reefs, and being an eco conscious scuba diver.


Speak Up For the Ocean Blue

Last not but not least is this podcast that raises awareness about conservation and ocean science projects happening all over the globe. Guests are interviewed on a variety of topics, including marine mammals, ocean issues like climate change, water pollution, plastic pollution, coastal development, overfishing, and more.



Looking forward: Help us raise funds for Phase II


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