South Andros, Bahamas

Pilot location 2020: Caerula Mar Club

Three major currents run by the island of South Andros, dumping sea plastic along the coastline.


South Andros is the largest Bahamian island, but has a population of just 2,000. Recycling services are non-existent on the island. The people who call South Andros home are mostly school-aged children and seniors over the age of 50, with few in between. There is no industry and the island is completely dependent on tourism. Caerula Mar Club brings a new aspect to South Andros — driving jobs and attention to the island.


A focus on sustainability

Caerula Mar’s owners chose natural building materials, and planted lush native species. No plastic is used on resort grounds — even for water.


A new resort, a big idea & a global pandemic

When considering our first location partner, we wanted the site to fit a few important criteria:

  1. no recycling program on the island

  2. influx of ocean plastic - heavily impacted area

  3. area with potential for community involvement

  4. accessible location for shipping and logistics

We were in discussion with a few individuals and local governments from Turks and Caicos, and Barbados. Then it happened. Our founder, was up late working on a few plans for the final unit and turned on the TV , Island of Bryan was playing on HGTV, and they were talking about cleaning the beach and the influx of ocean plastic.

After research and and little communication, it was determined this was a good fit. Not only because of location — 3 major currents run by the island dumping plastic from all over the Caribbean — but because of the people. The resort is owned and operated by fellow Canadians, Bryan and Sarah Baeumler. The resort and grounds have been designed and built with sustainability in mind from the conscious planting of local vegetation to eco sustainable choices all around the resort. They invested in sustainable product, there is no plastic used - even for water. This made the location and partnership a perfect fit.

From the onset, even while dealing with building a resort, managing their careers and family, all while filming a tv show - they were open to a partnership that benefits the community, the island, and the ocean.

After over a year and a half in development, a lot of work and a global pandemic, our first unit was delivered to Caerula Mar on July 14th, 2020.


Learn more about our first community