5 Ocean plastic documentaries you should watch

Looking for something environmentally-themed to watch this weekend? Check out our list of the top 5 documentaries about single use plastics in the oceans.

1. A Plastic Ocean

This film follows Australian journalist Craig Leeson as he teams up with diver Tanya Streeter and an international team of scientists and researchers. Together they travel to 20 locations around the world over four years to explore the fragile state of our oceans, and document the direct effects single use plastics are having on our oceans and the creatures that inhabit them.

2. Trashed

Trashed features actor Jeremy Irons investigating the impact wasteful consumerism and pollution have had on the global environment. This doc focuses on the difficulty of completely eliminating plastics from our natural environment, and the series toxic effects they can have on habitats, people, and other animals.

3. Bag It

This documentary follows Jeb Berrier after he decides to stop using bags, and on his quest to understand plastic — where it comes from, where it goes, and what can be done to close the loop on plastic consumption. This film is a feel good option that could empower you to take steps in your own life to limit your plastic consumption.

4. Drowning in Plastic

Drowning in Plastic features wildlife biologist Liz Bonnin as she looks closely at the horrors of plastics in our oceans, and the actual scale of the worldwide problem. This doc is more of a difficult watch than the others on this list, but it provides a realistic and life altering perspective on the untenable amount of single use plastic currently floating around the oceans.

5. Straws

Last but not least, this 30 minute doc explores the world of plastic straws, how they came to be, and their inherent problems as a single use plastic. Straws is narrated by Oscar-winning actor Tim Robbins, and will definitely convert you to a plastic straw-free life!


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